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Celebrating Companies Advancing Diversity And Equality

The Rise & Lead Awards is an annual event recognising outstanding corporate initiatives promoting gender-balanced leadership, pay parity and parental leave.

Celebrating Companies Advancing Diversity And Equality

The Rise & Lead Awards is an annual event recognising outstanding corporate initiatives promoting gender-balanced leadership, pay parity and parental leave.

A B O U T   T H E   R I S E   A N D   L E A D   A W A R D S

Celebrate and Elevate

Every now and then, it's crucial to pause and recognize the strides you've taken. We need to pay tribute to the pioneers who shatter boundaries and steer us toward a more inclusive and diverse future. The inspiration we draw from these game-changing initiatives makes us continue our journey toward elevating women's leadership with renewed energy.

A B O U T   T H E   R I S E   A N D   L E A D   A W A R D S

Celebrate and Elevate

Every now and then, it's crucial to pause and recognize the strides you've taken. We need to pay tribute to the pioneers who shatter boundaries and steer us toward a more inclusive and diverse future. The inspiration we draw from these game-changing initiatives makes us continue our journey toward elevating women's leadership with renewed energy.


Awards Category

The 2023 awards will feature a single winner in each of the following categories.


Awards Category

The 2023 awards will feature a single winner in each of the following categories.

C A T E G O R Y   1

Gender-Balanced Leadership

This Award celebrates initiatives that promote gender equity in leadership.

C A T E G O R Y   2

Pay Parity

This Award recognises initiatives that uphold equal pay for equal work, demonstrating a commitment to eradicating wage disparities across genders and roles.

C A T E G O R Y   3

Parental Support

This Award applauds initiatives that excel in providing comprehensive family-friendly policies and nurturing a supportive work-life balance for parents and caregivers.

C A T E G O R Y   1

Gender-Balanced Leadership

This Award celebrates initiatives that promote gender equity in leadership.

C A T E G O R Y   2

Pay Parity

This Award recognises initiatives that uphold equal pay for equal work, demonstrating a commitment to eradicating wage disparities across genders and roles.

C A T E G O R Y   3

Parental Support

This Award applauds initiatives that excel in providing comprehensive family-friendly policies and nurturing a supportive work-life balance for parents and caregivers.

A W A R D   P R O C E S S

Nomination Process and Judging Criteria

Let’s nominate the empowering initiatives for the Rise and Lead Awards. By acknowledging and appreciating those who lead by example, we inspire others to walk in their footsteps. Check the timeline and see how our awards event unfolds one step at a time.

1st Step here


Jury Selection

2nd Step here


Nominations are open

3rd Step here


Nominations close

4th Step here


Jury deliberations

5th Step here


Finalists & Winners Announced

6th Step here


Awards gala

A W A R D   P R O C E S S

Nomination Process and Judging Criteria

Let’s nominate the empowering initiatives for the Rise and Lead Awards. By acknowledging and appreciating those who lead by example, we inspire others to walk in their footsteps. Check the timeline and see how our awards event unfolds one step at a time.

1st Step here


2nd Step here


3rd Step here


4th Step here


5th Step here


6th Step here


Jury Selection

Nominations are open

Nominations close

Jury deliberations

Finalists & Winners Announced

Awards gala

U P C O M I N G   E V E N T


Breaking Barriers; Building Bridges: Unleashing The Power Of Inclusive Leadership

Location: NH Hotel The Hague, Netherlands / online

September 14 - 15

U P C O M I N G   E V E N T


Breaking Barriers; Building Bridges: Unleashing The Power Of Inclusive Leadership

Location: NH Hotel The Hague, Netherlands / online

September 12 - 13

2 0 2 3   A W A R D   F I N A L I S T S

Category: Gender-Balanced Leadership

Category: Parental Support

Category: Closing the Gender Pay Gap

2 0 2 3   A W A R D   F I N A L I S T S

Category: Gender-Balanced Leadership

Category: Parental Support

Category: Closing the Gender Pay Gap

2 0 2 3   A W A R D   W I N N E R S

Category: Gender-Balanced Leadership

Category: Parental Support

Category: Closing the Gender Pay Gap

Embark on a Rising Journey

Be part of our community and elevate the next generation of women leaders. Participating in our events and joining our movement makes our initiative more powerful.

Embark on a Rising Journey

Be part of our community and elevate the next generation of women leaders. Participating in our events and joining our movement makes our initiative more powerful.

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